Introducing ip. Our job is to make protecting your legacy easier.
Will Writing
Of course, you can write a will yourself. But, will it stand the test of time? Our professionally trained Will writers are purely dedicated to protecting your legacy and have the expertise and experience to write your future correctly.
Trust Planning
Trust planning offers the security of passing assets or even cash through the generations to your loved ones. You can place the asset or cash in a trust, which will be managed by the trustees, thus creating a separate legal entity.
Lasting Power of Attorney
Lasting powers of attorney ensure that in the event of becoming of unsound mind, that you have dedicated person(s) to take care of our property and financial affairs and your health and welfare.
Sadly many people in life are unable to make crucial decisions for themselves when it comes to financial welfare or their health. Having a registered Lasting Power of Attorney(s) can ensure that, if you are of unsound mind that trusted people can make those important decisions for you.